PR analysis
Analysis of PR campaigns shows how effective they have been and reveals their weak spots. If you want to know whether you have succeeded promoting a speaker through an event, communicating key messages to the target audience, and boosting the visibility of your brand, PR campaign analysis is exactly what you need. It also helps cut costs on future campaigns, find ways to make them more effective, and adjust your PR strategy and tactics.
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How is it done?
CPT is the classic measure of advertising effectiveness - the more and cheaper the impressions, the better. Evaluating PR campaigns is more complicated since it requires weighing various factors which more often than not have nothing to do with money.
We start by determining the goals of your PR campaign, be at an event sponsorship, press conference or something else. Based on the goals, we select metrics for analysis. Usually, it takes 3-5 metrics – type of outlet, number of pieces, their format, visuals (people or brand), tone, reach, etc. - to paint a picture and evaluate the results.
Next, we search social media, print publications, radio and television coverage to collect data both automatically, using custom algorithms and online databases, and manually.
We then analyze the data to see how the results stack up against your KPIs and put it all in our report. Depending on your needs, the report can include:
- target audience analysis based on type and specialty of media outlets and reach;
- evaluation of coverage visibility based on headlines and visual content;
- share of mentions of your company and/or brand and event together;
- speaker rankings;
- message penetration;
- coverage compared to that of your company’s other activities;
- duration of coverage;
- frequency of sponsor mentions in the context of your event;
- stage-by-stage analysis of the campaign as it unfolds and/or comparison with other campaigns, etc.
We analyze campaigns that have ended and can also follow active campaigns and analyze them as they unfold.